Friday, August 13, 2010

Baby Step 1: Save $1,000 Emergency Fund

With our budget in place we are ready to start our Baby Steps to get on our way to being debt free! We are almost half way through the month and our budget is serving us well. I already have much less stress because we are now telling our money where to go so I'm not worried about how we are going to pay our next bill.

We are now working hard on our 1st baby step. We need to do everything we can to get $1,000 fast for our starter emergency fund. We have used the last two days to go through our very full garage. I am happy to say that we have were able to go through the entire garage in a total of about 5hours!! And to make this even sweeter, at least 1/3 of the stuff in the garage has been set aside for our yard sale that we are holding tomorrow!

Not only are we hoping to help start our 1st baby step with the money made from the yard sale but we are clearing a huge spot in our garage so it will be easier to get to things, get what we need out, etc.

We aren't sure how much we'll make in our yard sale tomorrow but we are feeling optimistic. Send us some good, selling vibes!!

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