Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Baby Step 2: Another Debt Bites the dust!

Well we have been plugging away on paying off debt. We were able to pay off another loan that we early with the debt snow ball. Now we can focus on paying off our final credit card and then saving to put a good chunk of money down on a house to buy in a year or so. We continue to pay cash for everything. This includes vacations we took this summer and vacations we plan to take next summer. What a great feeling it is to be able to pay for these things up front and not worry about how we'll pay our bills and such. Paying cash for everything has really helped us with this entire money make over! 

Here is a look at what we've paid off so far.

-Reliance Urgent Care: $151.34 PAID OFF 1/1/2011
-Sam's Club Credit Card: $809.44 PAID OFF 1/15/2011 & 2/15/2012
-Mercy Medical: $934.90 PAID OFF 2/28/2011
-My Parents: $2725.00 PAID OFF 2/28/2011
-Sister & Brother in law: $4,260.00 PAID OFF 1/12/2012
-Capitol One Credit Card: $450.00 PAID OFF 2/15/2012
-Dr. Ramos: $143.50 PAID OFF 2/23/2012 
-Lab Test Services: $182.00 PAID OFF 2/23/2012 
-Midland Memorial Hospital: $250.00 PAID OFF 2/23/2012
-Misc. Dr. Bills: $300.00 PAID OFF 2/23/2012 
-NM Back Taxes: $460.50 PAID OFF 2/23/2012 
-Revised Mortgage: $1460.00 PAID OFF 2/23/2012
-Odessa Regional: $4500.00 PAID OFF 2/23/2012
-Barclay Credit: $4000.00 PAID OFF 4/16/2012
-American General: $3,541.56 PAID OFF 9/15/2012

Here is what we will be focusing on paying off now (with updated payoff amounts):

1-Wells Fargo Credit: $4,000.00

Check out our other Baby Step updates on previous posts!

1 comment:

  1. Did you finish up with your total money makeover? I have just started mine, about 3 weeks ago. I too have a blog, well a portion of my blog, dedicated to tracking my total money makeover.

