Thursday, February 23, 2012

Baby Step 2: Update 3

  Well after buckling down and pushing ourselves very hard the last several months we have made a huge dent in our debt! It is a huge relief to pay off so much debt as well as pay cash for the medical expenses we just ran into with Kaedyn getting RSV and Jason getting a vasectomy at the end of the month. We are so close to paying off all debt which we are so excited for (except for our mortgage but we have renters in it at this time). We pay cash for everything and are canceling and cutting up all credit cards so we can live deft free for the remainder of our lives!

  The last time I updated on our debt paid was before our huge speed bump of Jason loosing his job, our renters moving out and me giving birth to Kaedyn. To recap you can view the previous update here Baby Step 2: Second Update. During our road bump we sadly slipped and accumulated more debt but we are back on track and paying off our debt as quickly as possible. Not only have we really been pushing to put every penny we can towards debt but we also put our tax refund towards debt as well! I will say that a few months ago it was easy to feel buried in debt again. I wasn't sure when or if we'd ever live debt free but a few short months later I am feeling fancy free and ready to tackle the last of our debt!!

Here is a look at what we've paid off so far. 

-Reliance Urgent Care: $151.34 PAID OFF 1/1/2011
-Sam's Club Credit Card: $809.44 PAID OFF 1/15/2011 & 2/15/2012
-Mercy Medical: $934.90 PAID OFF 2/28/2011
-My Parents: $2725.00 PAID OFF 2/28/2011
-Sister & Brother in law: $4,260.00 PAID OFF 1/12/2012
-Capitol One Credit Card: $450.00 PAID OFF 2/15/2012
-Dr. Ramos: $143.50 PAID OFF 2/23/2012
-Lab Test Services: $182.00 PAID OFF 2/23/2012
-Midland Memorial Hospital: $250.00 PAID OFF 2/23/2012
-Misc. Dr. Bills: $300.00 PAID OFF 2/23/2012
-NM Back Taxes: $460.50 PAID OFF 2/23/2012
-Revised Mortgage: $1460.00 PAID OFF 2/23/2012
-Odessa Regional: $4500.00 PAID OFF 2/23/2012

1-Barclay Credit: $4000.00
2-American General: $4058.36
3-Wells Fargo Credit: $4800.00
4-Chrysler Financial: $20,480.28

  What a huge amount of debt we've acquired but more importantly that we've paid off in comparison to what we still have outstanding!

  These last four are the final debt bills we are working to pay. With our debt snowball in full swing we will be able to make a huge dent in these debts in coming months and **fingers crossed** we'll have them all paid off by years end! If we can do it, anyone can do it!! 

  I'll update when we pay off more debt!


  1. I am just so impressed by you guys!!!! It takes a LOT of focus and determination to pay off what you have! You are almost there. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks Megan! It is hard work but the pay off is more than words can explain so it makes all the work worth it! It has changed our lives forever and I hope to instill this in my kids as well!
